Earn Social Credits

Earn Social Credits 

To know the meme behind the design, scroll to the joke part below

China’s social credit system is a government-run initiative that tracks citizens’ behavior and assigns scores based on actions like paying debts, abiding by laws, and even social interactions. High scores can lead to benefits like faster access to loans or priority in job opportunities, while low scores may result in penalties, such as restricted travel. The concept has sparked widespread controversy and inspired numerous memes, often exaggerating the system’s potential for control by mocking scenarios where even small mistakes can drastically affect one’s score. These memes have become a way for people to criticize the system’s surveillance and privacy concerns.


The ZTZ99A (Chinese: ZTZ99A式主战坦克; aka WZ1001 or ZTZ99A2 (before ratification);

The ZTZ99A serves with PLAGF (People's Liberation Army Ground Force). As plans rose to to build a capable tank in order to compete with NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and Russia,

  The development of WZ123 a true 3rd generation MBT (Main Battle Tank), which led to the initiation of the WZ1001, aiming to equip the new tank with advanced features such as a new smoothbore gun, FCS (Future Combat System),

The ZTZ99A after multiple prototypes first appeared in 2015 during the VJ Day parade, The ZTZ99A is an considered a pride to China and PLAGF as it shows a departure from the low-profile design of previous tanks.

Brief ZTZ99A stats:

  • For protection, the ZTZ99A is equipped with composite layers, ERA (Explosive Reactive Armour), and LWS (Laser Warning System)
  • PTWR (Power-to-weight ratio) 27.3 hp/t, max speed of 75 km/h, reverse 34 km/h, 1,500 hp (horse power)
  • Gen 3 Thermals optics, and up to 11x zoom for the gunner sight
  • Main gun is a 2PS (Two-Plane Stabilized) 125 mm Type 99A cannon, which has the ability to fire ATGMs (Anti-Tank Guided Missiles), the gun can penetrate over 530 mm of armor up to 2km, using the DTC10-125 APFSDS (Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot)
  • Features an auto-loader with a reload of 7.1 seconds per round
  • Carries a top-mounted machine gun 12.7 mm QJC88A, can fire 600 rounds/min

The joke

As the nation likes to track, copy, and compete, the behavior and stats of others, they will create specialized messages and notifications just for you,

And if you enter to their program and system, you will be able to earn social credits to get better deals.

Earn Social Credits

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