No Premium team
No Premium team
To know the meme behind the design, scroll to the joke part below
French culture is often associated with a strong sense of pride in quality and exclusivity, leading many to seek premium experiences in everything from fashion and food to art and lifestyle. The stereotype of French people often paints them as connoisseurs of luxury, valuing premium experiences in everything from fashion to food. This love for the finer things—whether it’s designer clothes, Michelin-starred dining, or a perfectly crafted baguette—reflects a cultural pride and a certain sense of superiority. The French are seen as having an ego tied to their refined tastes, with a strong belief in enjoying life’s best offerings. This pursuit of elegance and distinction is often coupled with an air of confidence, sometimes bordering on arrogance, especially when it comes to matters of taste and sophistication. This attitude is not just about materialism, but about a deep-rooted belief in enjoying life to its fullest, with a flair for elegance and distinction.
Leclerc SXXI and AZUR
- Leclerc SXXI is the Séries XXI is the third variant or generation of the Leclerc MBT (Main Battle Tank) family. The Leclerc SXXI is way more improved than the older Leclerc series 2. The turret has been added with new composite front armor package that includes titanium. Turret bustle composite armor has been replaced with lighter ERA (Explosive Reactive Armor). The auto-loader at the back of the turret has been redesigned to allow for potentially larger add-on armor packages. The Leclerc Séries XXI is added with HL 120 panoramic sight (a hunter-killer capability), which contains a LRF (Laser Range Finder) and upgraded thermal imaging equipment. Finally (what a surprise, no one saw this one coming eh?), the tank is now equipped with a FOFII (friend or foe identification indicator).
- Leclerc AZUR (Action en Zone URbaine) is an urban warfare modification of the Tropicalized Leclerc, which is the fifth variant or generation of the Leclerc MBT family. This variant is mainly used by the UAE (United Arab Emirates, or as many of you would know it as Dubai), Army and has various enhancements that improve its capacity to fight in humid tropical and scorching desert environments, such as: a different engine with increased fuel/ gas capacity (specifically, the EuroPowerPack 1,100 kW MT883 diesel engine manufactured by the German MTU Friedrichshafen company), and of course, they have installed the engine-driven mechanical heavy-duty AC (air conditioner) (due to 50-55 degrees Celsius or 122-131 Fahrenheit and almost 80-90% humidity in the UAE). The Leclerc AZUR has added an improved commander sight the HL-80 commander panoramic sight, Gen 3 thermals, and a LRF, and an Armement Télé-Opéré remote-controlled machine gun. In addition to, ERA on the back + slat armor for the engine.
The joke
As the nation and its friends also tend to find the premium packages out of everything, they will want to find the fastest way to get something they desire,
Also, in War Thunder the French ground tec tree doesn't have any ("top" tier) premium, in which the player will have to SUFFER through their tanks to finally REACH to the TOP TIER.