Prayer time

Prayer time

To know the meme behind the design, scroll to the joke part below

UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) are often depicted as mysterious, saucer-shaped craft from outer space, sparking intrigue about extraterrestrial life. These objects are typically associated with sightings of strange phenomena in the sky, fueling speculation and curiosity about the possibility of life beyond Earth.

In Judaism, candles hold significant symbolic meaning, especially during religious observances. The most iconic use is the menorah, a candelabra with 7 or 9 branches. The 7-branched menorah was originally used in the ancient Temple in Jerusalem and represents the seven days of creation. In modern Jewish practice, the 9-branched menorah is used during Hanukkah. It holds eight candles, one for each night of the miracle of the oil, plus a shamash candle used to light the others. Additionally, in Jewish tradition, there are the Shabbat candles, typically two, which are lit on Friday evenings to usher in the Sabbath, symbolizing peace and rest. Candles in Jewish rituals signify light, holiness, and the presence of God. Lighting these candles symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and is a key part of Jewish spirituality and tradition.

The Nation's forces place a strong emphasis on caring for their personnel, prioritizing both physical well-being and mental health. Communication within the Nation's forces is highly structured and efficient, with an emphasis on intelligence-sharing and rapid decision-making. Advanced technology and real-time coordination are key components of their operations, ensuring that soldiers can respond swiftly and effectively. The Nation's forces approach to both care and communication fosters a highly capable and cohesive force.

Merkava Mk.4M

Post the Second Lebanon War in 2006, where the Israel made Merkavas were targeted by anti-tank weapons,

The decision from the ministry of defense took into measures to upgrade the Merkavas with a new APS (Active Protection System) aka "Trophy System" developed by Rafael,

 The Trophy System was presented to the public in 2005 at the LIC-2005 international exhibition in Tel Aviv. The system includes a radar that detects and identifies incoming projectiles aimed at the tank, that launches countermeasures to intercept the incoming threats aimed at the tank.

The Merkava Mk.4M aka (Me'il Ruach, מעיל רוח; lit. "Windbreaker"), entered service with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in the early 2010s.

The joke

As communicationS, being interactive with the spiritual outer world, and being distinctive with the designs and shapes, always gives power and free-will at a rating of 9 ("NEIN")/10

Difference between the V1 and V2 is only the styling of the font, both of them use the Hebrew fonts, where I decided to make two variants as some may prefer one styling over the other. 

Prayer time

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