

To know the meme behind the design, scroll to the joke part below

Rednote is a collaborative note-taking app designed for teams and individuals. It allows users to create, share, and organize notes in a seamless, real-time environment. With features like text formatting, comment threads, and easy integrations, Rednote enhances productivity and streamlines collaboration across projects. It’s ideal for brainstorming, meeting notes, and managing ideas collectively. Kinda similar to Tik Tok.


The VT4A1, or also known as MBT3000, developed by NORINCO in 2009 (China North Industries Group Corporation Limited) Chinese defense corporation that manufactures military and commercial products,

Came after the development of the Sino-Pakistani MBT2000 (aka Al-Khalid in War Thunder and in the Armed Pakistani forces) in 2001,

the PLAGF (People's Liberation Army Ground Force) (China) also began development of its new third-generation MBT.

 The upgraded A1 variant was first showcased at the 2022 Zhuhai Airshow in NORINCO's exhibition hall,

China was able to override the threats from Ukroboronprom (Ukrainian Defense Industry) due to the engine packs (6TD-2),

The VT4A1 heavily relied on ZTZ99A in its production by using the engine/ power packs and the fully electric gun system,

 VT4A1 prototype was displayed at Eurosatory 2012. The prototype then showcased during an armored vehicle show day for military attachés in Mainland China,

 Then in 2014 the VT4 was presented at the Zhuhai Airshow, the VT4A1 introduced a GL-6 H-K-APS (hard-kill active protection system) and a micro-drone. China sells and exports the VT4 and VT4A (aka Al-Haider) to Thailand, Pakistan, and Nigeria.

Brief VT4A1 stats:

  • For protection, the VT4A1 has composite layers, ERA (Explosive Reactive Armour), H-K-APS, LWS (Laser Warning System)
  • PTWR (Power-to-weight ratio) 25 hp/t, max speed of 70 km/h, and 17 km/h reverse, 1,300 hp (horse power)
  • Gen 3 Thermals optics, LRF (laser range-finder)
  • Main gun is a 2PS (two-plane stabilized) 125 mm ZPT98 cannon, which has an ability of firing ATGMs (Anti-Tank Guided Missiles), and ability of penetrating over 530 mm of armor up to 2km using the DTC10-125 APFSDS (Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot)
  • Carries an auto-loader with reload rate of 7.1 seconds per round
  • Carries a top mounted machine gun 12.7 mm QJC88A, ability to fire 600 rounds/min

The joke

As the VT4A1 still remains heavily classified INFORMATION to the public, yet Mainland China EXPORTS it to other countries,

As Rednote platform grew swiftly, and gained popularity worldwide, after the brief Tik Tok ban in the ("US"), China GAINED lots of users coming to its HOME platform.


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