"Solid "Shell"" fish ONLY please mate

"Solid "Shell"" fish ONLY please mate

To know the meme behind the design, scroll to the joke part below

Warfare tank shells are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Chemical Energy shells (will be referenced as CES) (for the sake of getting into the point and not prolonging this article, I'll not be diving into CES here)
  2. Kinetic Energy shells (will be referenced as KES)

KES heavily rely on mass and velocity,

Asking for shrapnel, allow it to be heavier 

Asking for more penetration, allow it to have greater speed

KES are mainly divided into three types of rounds:

  1. ("Solid") AP (Armour piercing) rounds 
  2. High explosive AP rounds (HE)
  3. Sub caliber AP rounds

1. ("Solid") AP rounds, the most basic type of rounds in warfare and in War Thunder, they travel into an enemy tank or armour until it has no more velocity left,

It does not cause any post pen damage, expect for spalling,

There are various of types of ("Solid") AP rounds, the only difference between all is the tips on the top which allow for hitting angled armour or for longer distance,

The various types in game are basically:

  • APC (Armor-piercing, capped)
  • APBC (Armour-piercing ballistic capped)
  • APCBC (Armour-piercing, capped, ballistic capped)

2. High explosive AP rounds (HE), they are the most useful type of shells used in the World War 2 era, also in War Thunder game, 

They basically have everything that ("Solid") AP rounds have, expect they contain explosives inside the shell which detonates inside the penetrated armour, 

HE AP rounds also have various types:

  • APHE

3- Sub caliber AP rounds, the most used shells in top tier games, them being small and fast causes for more armour pen, 

In order not to lose shrapnel post pen, the issue gets solved by adding a sabot soft metal casing around the shell, 

Hence, Sub-caliber, Sub = small, caliber = diameter of a barrel, == smaller than the barrel, 

The sub caliber AP rounds also come in various types:

  • APCR (Armour-Piercing Composite Rigid)
  • APDS (Armor-piercing discarding sabot)
  • APFSDS (Armor-piercing, fin-stabilized discarding sabot)

Centurion Mk.1 is the tank used in the design, a brief of the tank, 

Post WW2 British tank medium tank, lasting from the 60s all the way up to the 80s, having a max of 127 mm of turret front armor, and 76 hull front armor, equipped with 76 mm QF 17-pounder main cannon, and weights 47 tons.

The joke

So the British from the START of making their tanks until today, their tanks and tec tree in War Thunder carry only Solid shells, they do not equip with HE shells, 

Hence the joke, of a post WW2 tank, the Centurion Mk.1, going to the typical Fish and Chips, orders a Solid Shell fish, Keeping the old British look, having the typical teeth, being EXTRA "polite", Gets a bag of crisps (aka chips), and drinks the tea. (Not liking the EXPLOSIONS).

"Solid "Shell"" fish ONLY please mate



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